Category Archives: Upgrades

Low sensitivity tests + No more google Sign-In

Updates updates updates!

Winter is coming, let’s brace ourselves with product updates!

Low sensitivity uptime checks

Some of you have many tests that are pretty unstable. Some of those tests would raise an alarm few times a day. Usually the reason is a timeout from remote regions. For example if your server is in Europe and is not performing very well it’s possible that test servers in Australia would get high response times often exceeding our 10 seconds response time limit.

For some customers this is unacceptable and it should raise the alarm, for some customers it doesn’t really matter and they treat it as noisy false positives.

In order to mitigate this inconvenience, now you can set up your test’s sensitivity to “low”. “Medium” sensitivity is also fined tuned:

  • With “medium” sensitivity, alarm was off when we got 2 downtime confirmations from 2 different locations. Now it’s 3 downtime confirmation, from 2 different locations.
  • New “low” sensitivity triggers an alarm after 5 confirmations from 4 different locations.

Those numbers might be fine tuned in the future, please follow our Twitter account to track this. We won’t send you an email with such a minor change.

Please note this only affects alerting functionalities (Slack / e-mail messages). Registering downtimes and performance of your website is not affected by the sensitivity settings. Every downtime is detected from any region and counted in the uptime statistics. 

After some time your tests’ sensitivity might get change automatically if we consider them unstable. This won’t happen to customers in paid plans.

No more Google Sign-In support

Something has been added, something has been removed to keep the balance…

Google deprecated some APIs that have been in use by to make the Single Sign On work.

Due to pretty high effort planned in order to migrate to new APIs it makes more sense to sunset Google Sign In support instead.

When Google Sign-In was introduced to the product it was super important for security and user experience. Back then passwords managers with browser support were basically non existent. Now it has changed and every major browser supports you with keeping your passwords complex, unique and safe. Due this this and not that high use of the Google Sign-In at the moment, it is gone now.

If you have been using Google for logging in, please use the magic link functionality to log in to your account and set the password in your account settings (if you wish).

PS: Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

Big news! Lots of changes!

Big news! Lots of changes!

A lot has been changed recently and we’re happy to announce that we’re done with polishing our current products so it feels and looks better. We primarily hope it would also provide much better experience.

What changed in a short list:

Dark mode!
– Website dead links scanner now sends notifications when finishes (Slack and e-mail).
– You get downtime reminders for 48 hours after incident (Uptime monitoring and application monitoring).
– Application monitoring will no longer be free of charge since it goes out of beta.


Dark Mode

It’s not about black or white hat. It’s our app which now adjusts to your system settings. If you system is dark and your browser supports it (if not, it soon will) our app will become dark automatically. That’s what we call true Responsive Web Design!

If it makes you want to test it right now, please check our blog post which explains all why’s and how’s.

Beware: you might get more notifications from us!

In a few minutes after this e-mail campaign is sent out to you, we will roll out all changes regarding e-mail and Slack notifications. That is:
– Slack/Email report after Content Test (Website Dead Links Scan) is finished
– Slack/Email downtime reminders for uptime tests and application monitoring.

There’s no need to describe broadly the Content Test report notification (simple notification with a link to your new report), but you might want to read more about downtime reminders.

Downtime reminders

So, we’ve build application monitoring to scratch our own itch. 

We have many workers and scripts engaged to make do what it advertises. Crawlers, dispatchers, cleanup jobs, alert watchers and more.

Every now and then things go south and fail to run. Of course we monitor our logs but that doesn’t cover every possible failure.

This is why we’ve built Application Monitoring.

Every time the worker finishes a job successfully, it sends a signal to our system like “hey, I do my job as promised”. If it doesn’t send a signal, someone has to check what’s going on.

But what if the downtime notification comes during a time that no one watches it? What if it’s hidden between hundreds of other messages?

Then it might stay unnoticed for a while.

To provide solution for that exact problem, we’re happy to announce that for 48 hours since downtime alert starts we will send you a reminders about that.

Those reminders are sent in asymmetric intervals: 0.5h, 1h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 36h, 48h so if you decide to ignore it for a while, we will not bug you every half an hour.

Additionally, for uptime tests downtime, we will deactivate the test if it stays down for 49 hours.

Application monitoring out of beta

Last announcement to make, application monitoring is no longer free of charge. From now on it will cost 1€ net per month. 

Thank you!

As a last words here: thank you for reading this email so far down. And thank you for staying with us!

Let’s go dark!

There was time, where CRT screens were ubiquitous. In this time dark websites were pretty common since the way CRT screen emits light worked pretty well with dark colours.

Then LCD screens came into every hour. Those were pretty bad compared to CRT, especially in terms of showing true shades of grey. This was the end of black websites popularity.

Dark went underground.

Now, with near perfect LCD screens, and even better OLED dark pallets are having a big comeback.

iOS, macOS, Windows, Android – almost everyone supports dark themes in their systems. This is the last moment to make websites and webapps truly responsive also in that dimension.

We are happy to announce that with CSS prefers-color-scheme we just did that with our main website and web app.

What does it mean to you? (2019-06-16)

Well, if you’re macOS user you can use it right away since it’s running for a while and all major browsers (except Chrome is still catching up) adjust the colours automatically.

If you’re a windows user, it might not work at all still. You can try latest Chrome though.

For Android, Chrome should adjust accordingly.

Uptime tests comparison – rebuild and enhanced

Short update

Uptime check comparison page is just released together with some small UI/UX fixes and enhancements!

If you haven’t seen it yet, just log in or register to our app!

How to get this?

Simply find the test you want to compare and click the compare button.

How to compare?

You can compare single test (for countries comparison) or up to three tests at the same time.

For our internal uptime checks, it looks like our main web app is loads faster without CDN ? (as you can see in the movie)



Product update – All the new things

New quarter, major changes!

Content Checker goes live

Content checker (full website scan) is getting out of an experimental stage. It means we will start charging for those tests, starting this weekend.
If you don’t want to be charged, please remove your tests before Sunday.

Pricing for those tests is as mentioned on the home page: 0.0001€ per unique link (1€ for a website with 10000 links).

We keep the crawler links limit for now (10000 links is current max capacity). This will change in the future.

Uptime checker granularity (time intervals)

Thanks to an awesome feedback we received from one of our new customers (thanks again ❤️), we’d like to announce that it will be possible to set up an uptime test with new time intervals: 2, 3 and 5 minutes cycles.

We plan to release this change later this week.

Application monitoring

We will introduce another, third product – application monitoring. It’s something like a reverse uptime check. For this product, doesn’t call you to check if the site is live, but your application is calling us to notify that something meaningful happened.

It’s already being used for our internal health check processes. We will explain this feature further on when it will be closed to launch.

We will support nodejs first. If you happen to have some nodejs processes that do something important to you, feel free to contact us for an invitation to closed beta tests.

Further depreciation of the old UI

The old UI is in the maintenance mode for a couple of months, now it’s the time to close it entirely. The only feature which is not moved to the new UI is the PDF reports generation. Please copy them, if you wish. We won’t support this feature anymore since the default browser PDF generation good enough for sharing the reports as prints.

Simon Nowicki
Head of the


p.s. Awesome cover photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

London Babe!

We just started expanding our locations by adding two new servers.

One in N. Virginia (US – East) which will replace our current NY server.

Second in London which also means we’ve just added our first UK location!

More locations are coming soon. If you wish to see some specific country on our list, please contact us directly.

All servers list is always available on the page below.

Servers list

ps. Many thanks for the awesome London picture go to Susan Yin.

Closer and closer to our fresh new web app

Road to the new web app

As was mentioned before, is getting to be refreshed with new functionalities like content checker (Full content test). Since we are also working on a brand new web app, it’s a good time to give you some heads up on the current development status.

Full Content Test

Currently, we offer uptime monitoring tool for your website, but this soon is going to be expanded. Full Content Test is currently in extensive testing process. There was a huge amount of work to make all the back-end performant and reliable. This work is mostly done. We still adjust few things and fixes issue which are popping out from time to time during the tests, but it’s quite close being fully available for all the customers.

With Full Content Test, you can set up a test for your entire website which will periodically crawl the website looking for dead links for pages and resources like javascript or images.

It’s already being heavily tested with some of our customers and so far it looks promising and quite handy.

The new web app, new design!

Since current web app is quite old, and the code base is starting to be rotten,  a decision has been done to start new focusing on the user experience and usability first.

This takes some time, but we believe it’s worth the effort since we already received some feedback from you that things should be changed.

This is happening right now.

The core functionalities are already there, we are focusing now on great onboarding experience and easy access to your data.

By the way, the new web app is much, much faster.

When all the functionalities of the old UI would be implemented in the new application, we will start a migration process.

All our users have access to the alpha version at the moment. A “secret” link can be found in the news section of your current dashboard.

As always we are waiting for your feedback!

What will change?

From the functionality perspective, not much (except the full content test of course, as the new feature).

In a new version the design changes drastically, we use minimal CSS to make your experience platform native as possible. The website will also react faster (client-side rendering, API calls only) and everything you care to see will be updated without reloading the page.

Additionally, we added an opportunity to pay with a credit card which might please some of you, and what is probably the biggest win for our Polish customers since PayPal is not so popular as elsewhere. The new app is already bilingual (additional languages will be introduced later).

Where can I see it?

Just log in to your account and find a link in the news section (sidebar). Please note this is still alpha, everything can still change, including some design decisions.

Release date

The final release date is not clarified yet, but the plan is to start the migration process for all the customers in next 2 months. The first public version is close, but migration won’t start until all wanted features are there for you in the new web app.

Introducing API and SSL for website

Usually the effort we make to improve is not clear. Most of the work is made under the hood. But this time, we are happy to introduce two new things which are awesome and one of them is empowering you to get more data from your tests.

Website encryption

As you know, whole encryption is really important for whole the industry. Now, thanks to it’s also cheap. Thanks to we can provide SSL encryption for all our website.

Your uptime monitoring API

We plan to give you API for some time, now it becomes reality. API specification is not yet finished, so we cannot promise it won’t change. However, we decided to make it public now, so you can play around and of course use it anyway you want. Just please keep in mind there’s no guarantee or promise it will be available all time. We still do some tests, so from time to time API can be disabled without a notice.

This service is also limited. Currently we allow you to make 2000 requests per day, and 50000 requests per month. When API will go out of alpha testing we will bump this limit little bit.

Documentation is available on All requests should be authorised with Bearer token, which you can generate on

Happy testing and as always feel free to contact us to provide feedback. This service is made for your and your voice always matters.

Winter upgrades

During the winter we made some adjustments to our service and currently we are happy to announce them.

Compare your uptime tests - comparison - response by country

Since couple of days you can compare your uptime monitoring test results on page.

Currently this feature is kind of a beta and for performance reasons we limit you comparison to maximum 6 tests and 3 months for each compare report.

Additional options for your test - add new test

For special request of one of our clients, we expanded test options to new possibilities to customize:

  • User Agent (this way you can set your own User Agent for test instead of using one)
  • Follow redirects – if enabled, test will accept up to 5 following redirects. If the last response will be still redirect response, checker will consider it as a downtime

We also did some minor adjustments in our back-end to make everything faster and also to prepare the system to work with new iOS app which will be available this year.

As always, we encourage you to send us any feedback. We make this service for you and we will be more than happy to make it even better.